Anyone who has participated in the UGA Cortona study-abroad program can tell you how the ancient walled city of Cortona gets under your skin and into your soul, and always lives in your heart. It’s not surprising that the frightening news reports of the Coronavirus in Italy have prompted many of our alumni to contact us, desperate to know how their beloved Tuscan city is faring.
UGA Cortona’s 2020 Spring semester in Italy was suspended after only one month, and the nineteen students on the program were quickly and safely repatriated to the U.S. in the early morning hours of March 1, with less than 24-hours’ notice. They are currently finishing their semester online and their (virtual) Mostra will be available to view on April 26th, on the UGA Cortona Studies Abroad website and Facebook page.
Our 2020 Maymester, Junemester, and Summer semesters have been cancelled. Our permanent staff is still in Cortona, taking care of our campus and preparing for the anticipated arrival of our Fall students.
In the entire Comune di Cortona there have been 14 confirmed cases of the virus so far, and two deaths. The region of Tuscany has had the fifth highest number of cases in Italy, so the governor is being extremely cautious. The Cortonesi are not allowed to leave their homes except to obtain food and other necessaries, and if they do so they must wear a mask and gloves, and maintain a 2,8 meter distance from other individuals.
Economically, Cortona has been hit hard by the virus. All but the most essential businesses have been shut down since March 11, and reopening will only gradually begin on May 4. There will almost certainly be no tourism this summer, so all the museums, hotels, restaurants, boutique shops, artisans, wedding planners, tour guides, vineyards, and wine shops will have few customers even once they’re allowed to reopen their doors. Without a doubt, Cortona will lose more than a few businesses this year. It’s hard to express how empty the city is right now, even more so than it normally is during the deepest winter months…
At this point you may be asking yourself, what can I do to help? How can I show the people of Cortona that I remember them, and care?
UGA Cortona alumna Carolyn Melbye (Spring/Summer 2004), now an expressive arts therapist in Massachusetts, has started a postcard art project with the goal of sending creative messages back and forth between UGA Cortona students and alumni, and the people of Cortona.
Anyone who loves Cortona is invited to create their own artistic postcard, up to 4 1/2" x 6", or write a message on a pre-printed card, and mail it to Carolyn Melbye, P.O. Box 540236, Waltham, MA, 02454. Carolyn will scan the front and back of every card and the images will be posted on the C.I.A.O. website.
We will encourage the Cortonesi to respond by making their own cards, which will be posted on the website as well.
We hope to bring all the postcards, both American and Italian, together for a real-life exhibition in Cortona in the fall of 2020. After the exhibition closes in Cortona, we plan to send all the postcards to Athens, GA, and display them at our 2020 Reunion Exhibition at the Lamar Dodd School of Art in January 2021.
Please join us in sharing our diverse talents for continued connection and creativity with Cortona!