A note from Kristine Schramer, UGA’s Associate Director of Cortona:
Italy’s decisive response to the COVID-19 health crisis has brought the number of cases down dramatically, and the country’s gradual and careful reopening has so far been successful in preventing a second wave of infections (tocca ferro!). In Cortona, some normalcy has returned - one can go to a bar, eat in a restaurant, listen to music in the piazza, or visit a museum; the Cortona On The Move festival is open on weekends and outdoor movies in the Parterre are about to resume. Masks are ubiquitous and hand-sanitizer provided in abundance at the threshold of every business, and most people respect and follow these precautions without complaint. There are many Italian tourists visiting the town, and Europeans who own summer homes here are returning. But without Americans, there are noticeably fewer numbers, and local businesses are struggling to make ends meet with the costs of the new rules and with the reduced number of visitors.
In response, the Comune di Cortona is mounting a strong social media campaign to promote the territory, including some beautiful new video spots which we’ll share with you on the C.I.A.O. and UGA Cortona Studies Abroad accounts. UGA Cortona will not run study abroad programs for the rest of 2020, but its staff in both Athens and Cortona are working hard to prepare for the return of students in 2021. New programs and partnerships are being developed, and student recruitment is ongoing. UGA is maintaining its presence in the city, exemplified currently by the opening of “Cos’è qui / What’s Here”, the end-of-residence exhibition of UGA Cortona's outgoing Visiting Artist, Bryan Parnham. On display at the MAEC museum through July 31, the exhibition displays works in metal Parnham created during his 18- month residency in Cortona.
In addition, the Cortona Italy Alumni Organization and alumna Carolyn Melbye are making sure the Cortonese feel UGA’s love from afar through the ongoing “Cartoline per Cortona” postcard project, which has been facilitating the exchange of virtual messages of support between UGA Cortona alumni and residents of Cortona since the pandemic began. Find out how you can participate at https://ciaouga.org/cartoline-per-cortona! For more information visit the C.I.A.O. website: https://ciaouga.org/news/2020/4/28/cartoline-per-cortona C.I.A.O. (Cortona Italy Alumni Organization)