Alumni Spotlight: Andy Nasisse

Leading up to the 50th celebration next August, we will be featuring various alumni and professors of the Cortona alumni family. This week we would like to introduce you to Andy Nasisse!


Name: Andy Nasisse

University/Major/degree: MFA University of Colorado

Years teaching in Cortona: I think it was 1979 and 1980, and then again in 2002 and 2003. It was the first year they did ceramics.

Current profession: Studio Artist

Currently residing in: Salt Lake City



Tell us a bit about what you've been up to since Cortona.

I taught four summers in Cortona and 28 years at UGA. I have been living and working as an artist/photographer in Salt Lake City since 2012.

Let's talk about Cortona. What is one of your favorite memories from your time there?

The very first night in Rome, 1979, an incredible thunder and lightning storm, taking refuge in an Ethiopian disco! But the Italian trip always was a string of amazing, high energy, life changing experiences!

Speaking of influences, if you could have dinner with any three people, from history or alive today, who would you pick?

I would pick my father, Timothy Leary, and Robert Muller

Before we go, what are you currently working on? Any projects or announcements you would like to share?

I just finished a series of sculptures based on the heart. [Entitled] “Heartland”

Thank you so much for sharing, Andy! We loved learning more about you and sharing your journey and work with the C.I.A.O. family.

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